If you are inspired to achieve incredible results in your life, and you feel that the subject of money is holding you back, then look no further. Whatever your level of success is right now, I will help you achieve what you really want in life by breaking down the blockers you have around money.
I teach people how to get to a place of financial comfort. Financial comfort means something different to everyone, but essentially, it’s where you no longer worry about money. This is a stage where money stops being a blocker and starts being a supporter in your life . . .
To achieve this, I first explain what I call “The Money Paradox”, why it’s so simple to become financially free, yet so few do. There are many reasons for why this exists, and the first step is understanding what these are and why they play out. From this place, we can take steps to ensure we are able to escape this paradox. I do this through teaching a simple seven step process that will result in you having a clear and easy to follow plan to reach both your financial and subsequently your life goals.
People who attend just one wealth coaching session with me report that their life immediately alters direction in an extremely fulfilling way. For example, an individual who was financially in debt managed to secure a twelve month personal coaching contract for $8000.
Right now you have two choices; either stop reading and go back to your life as you know it or continue reading and take a new action. The choice is yours.
I do not offer any unrealistic get-rich quick schemes as many others advertise. I also don’t advocate the rat-race culture of slaving away at a job for the rest of your life while investing into some form of pension.
Instead, I teach my own tried and tested holistic approach that incorporates perspectives from a wide array of experts in this field. There is too much information out there, and it often conflicts with each other. I cut through all that noise, and teach the stuff that actually works. I recognise that not everyone is as passionate about the subject of money as I am, so I focus on what brings the highest impact for the lowest effort. This is all done in a fun and engaging way, leveraging methods of accelerated learning to guarantee fast and strong retention of what’s needed.
Those who receive my wealth coaching find themselves instantly able to view and approach money in a fun and exciting way, rather than a worry like it once was. In addition, many have attracted far more money into their lives than they had ever expected. This is achieved in part by radically shifting their mind set around money.
Life was tough as a kid. I was raised by my mum on her own in Birmingham, and we were poor. We had to walk to school and struggled to put food on the table at times. I would look at my mum constantly teeter on the edge of bankruptcy and decided I couldn’t live a life like that. From the age of 12, I vowed that money would become a facilitator and not a blocker in my life. This drove me on a journey of passionately learning and working on the subject from a young age, which at times became an obsession.
Now that I have achieved a level of success and fulfilment in this area, it is my passion to help as many others in this world as possible achieve this too.
The training I undertook throughout my life to provide effective coaching has been both tough and wide ranging. Unlike other coaches who boast qualifications, I have earned my title as a coach through the work I have done with people, and my testimonials and results back this up.
My purpose is to transform as many people’s lives through financial education as possible so that we can live life to its fullest. This is my life’s mission and I am committed to making this happen. I predominantly do this through deep one-to-one coaching where I will only work with up to ten carefully selected clients at a time. My focus is on achieving outstanding results and it is my passion to see this happen. As such, I will only work this those that I feel are committed to making this happen.
If you are ready for a new and inspiring financial future, complete the form below to apply.